Pathway To Revelations

Today's Revelations
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Added Documentation 06 02 08 at end of this document....
Jonah 3:2 (KJV)   Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.

Have you ever wondered why God chose Jonah to deliever a warning to this Great City?
I can just imagine the sermons that have been preached about this man Jonah, why he was chosen to deliver the word of warning to this city.
Just why was it that Jesus stopped by a Well, a well that had been dug by the forefathers and began to ask for a drink from this well.
We don't know a lot about Jonah, but we do know something about this woman that Jesus came to visit with at the Well.
First of all, she had five husbands and the one that she was living with at the present was not her husband.
Most, especially like the Pharisee's who are always wanting to place blame on everybody else for what is happening in our country today, they want to escape the duty or the commitment that god wants from them.
She wasn't visited just by chance.
Jesus came by here, just as he came by where Jonah was, and we can see one great outstanding similarity to these two.
Although one was a Male, and the other was a Female, we can see that God is no Respector of Person when he wants someone to deliver a message for him.
God gave instructions to Jonah and right away he showed that he did not want to carry them out.
Jonah grabbed  a ticked on a Cruise liner and took off to get as far from God, or, where he thought that god would not speak to him about this subject.
On the Contarary this woman grabbed hold of the gift that was given to her, for she had been thirsting for somthing that was missing in her life.
Maybe Jonah had just about everything that he asked for from God, but maybe he just never stopped to thank god for having giving him what he had.
When god asked or told him to do this one thing, that is all that printed,  other that this is one of the signs of the last time, yet the word of god refers back to this sign of jonah for a warning yet today.
God wanted bascially the same from both him and this Symaritian Woman, he wanted them to deliver the word of god that he " Bid them to Speak"
The difference is that Jonah had to be persuaded, but this woman threw down here pots an ran as fast and hard as she could to bring the news to the City where she lived.
Maybe this is the difference in her and jonah.
It seems as we read about Jonah, he did not really care if this whole city perished and went to hell.
The woman at the Well on the other hand ran as quick and fast as she could to tell everyone about this man that she saw, that could tell all that she did.
Jonah got real mad and wanted to Die because god showed mercy to a people that didn't know their left hand from their right hand.
Ther must have been ears that was ready to listen, when Jonah delivered "what god bid him".
Just as the woman that ran back to her city, they were starving for someone to tell them the trugh.
Both received the message of each of these that delivered, why?, because it was the Voice of God, and the final Obedience of each on to Carry the Word to the Lost.
The people of Nivenah repented and not only they fasted and prayed, the king or high ruler had them to cause the animals to fast, to do without so that they woud not miss out on what god had said.
When the Woman came to her city, they too, listen to what was being said.
They ran out to see, upon her testimony, but saw for themselves and the power of her deliverance brought the Whole town out to Jesus Crist.
We don't know how long the City stayed with the Lord and the extent of their endurance, but it is later recorded that Niveneh was finally destroyed.
Do you suppose that we, are like one or the other, or maybe we are like both Citys.
Can it be that those that god has given command to Preach, they too have thrown down everything and ran to their city and drawn alll the city out to hear god.
We are commander to go into the hedges and highways and compell them to come in.
The only effect we will have on those that we preach or wittness to is that we speak only " That which Jesus Christ bideth Us".
Most of us are like Jonah, we complain and feel sorry that things are not like it should be, we get angry at god.
What we really want is for god to come back and let us climb upon one of the White Horses and pull out our swords and start whacking away at those that we don't like.
Yes, I and you, we can see the words that come from those that stand in the high places, " Washington" and we are so quick to slander and say derrogative name calling.
What we need is for god to remove the Goard from off our bald head.
We all have Goards that we find confort in, that we think that will be our Security.
God, you said that if I warn them, I can get on the good side of you, and now God, just go ahead and get them out of my sight.
Is this what we are, or is it that God will Curse us from the Root up like he did  with the Fig Tree?
The Fig tree looked beautiful, having the green leaves that was seen from a distance, but as Jesus approached it, he found no figs on the tree.
Have you read what he said about that fig tree?.
He said it would not ever bear fruit again.
Just who was this fig tree representing?
Most of know that he was talking about His Own, the ones that he, so many times, had come to their rescue and delivered, those that would sink so quick back into sin.
The woman at the Well had sinked so far into sin, that most of those that wore the long robes, who was so selfrighteous, they didn't want to get their hands dirty, or, didn't want here to come near to them.
But thank god that god don't operate on how great or how low we are, he operates on what is called... " Mercy & Love".
What God is saying in this Sign of Jonas was that as " Jonah was in the Belly of the Whale", being there for his disobedience, God was willing to outstreach his arm to a dying lost soul, and to bring them to the truth.
Though your sins be as Scarlot, they shall be white as Snow.
Though this Symaritan Woman's sins were like Scarlet, Jesus was able to and gave her that water that where she would never thirst again.
Have you received that water that you will never thirst again.
John 7:37 (KJV)   In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
Notice it said...  "In the last day, that great day of the feast".
Is this the Last Day that great day of he feast, will he pour out his blessing upon the thirsty soul?
Our Teenager are faced with great temptations, and are doing things that has not been done before.
What they need it the Baptision of the Holy Ghost, that cup of Cold Water that shall and can and will Quinch their thirst.
They need to see some light of God in the Adults, and brothers and sisters, when we pay the electric bill, we will have the Switch, or we are the Switch to turn the lights on so that they can see.
Have you paid the Electric Bill, or is the Electric, the Light of God, about ready to be  shut off.
When the lights go out, in the Day it don't make too much difference, but at night you will not be able to see your way.
Matthew 24:12 (KJV)   And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
False Prophets, and a Prophet is someone that " Writes" that was what Jesus told John the Revelation to do.
You can buy a book, on just about every ideah that there is, so many books.
There is one book, The Holy Bible, not those that have been re-written and watered down to take the power from, but the real word that was spoken.
This is the Power of God unto Salvation.
It was what Jonah finally, after god got through with him, that delivered the whole City of Niveneh.
It was the Word of God, that brought out the whole City at the Preaching or wittness of the Woman at the well.
It will be that which God " Bides Us To Speak" that will convert souls to God.
God wanted John to warn those Seven Churches of Asia to take heed and listen to... " What the Sprit Sayeth to the Churches"
God holds the Churches accountable, and believe me, there are those that desire to hold the upper seats that will not proceed much farther, for god is going to take his sheep away from them.
If Jesus Girded a Towel and bowed down to wash the Disciple's feet, who are we that take the Name of Christ and use it for Profit and Gain, where are they when you are laying in the Grips of Death in the Hospital?
I found that, it was my Faimly and Frieds, and the Local Church people that was Praying for me.
A nurse ran to go  to pray for me, and my wife told my son, This is what we have always Lived For' a moment when we would need God the most, and that it would be ok.
She was right, it was Ok, long before that I had this trial, for Jesus said that he would make a  way of Escape...1 Cor. 10:13 (KJV)   There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
God had made a way of Escape for me and my faimly before the Foundations of the Worl.
He For-knew me from the Foundations of the World.
What I am Saying  to you, is that, " No matter what you are now or have been, it is not about what you have or have not done, but Wha Jesus Christ did" that makes the difference.
God, I wish this woud go into every home in the World.
It will if you will forward it by giving those this Link, for there is much more of the Word of God to come.
I am like Peter... Acts 3:6 (KJV)   Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
I say to you... " Rise Up And Walk" go see how many souls that you can give the word of god too.
Paul said this...2 Cor. 12:14 (KJV)   Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not yours, but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
He is not talking about Money, that is something that we do automatic, but he is talking about having god to wake you up at 4am to pray for your childern and your love ones, and many others.
I challenge you to ask god to wake you in the wee hours of the night, and when he does, ask him to give you a " Revelation Of The Word Of God" .
Philip. 1:18 (KJV)   What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

I picked up a Magazine today and began to read some of the articles that is written in it.
Strangely enough, just a those that documented the councern about rising fuel cost, saying that in the coming months and years that we could expect to see high, very high electric bills.
It is as a warning for what the average consumer should expect.
I have said afore, and will say again, that what we are seeing today comes as a warning to all of us that we need to take inventory of ourselves.
God has spoke in thses last days, and most of us are not even aware of that which god has spoke to us.
We can get signals from many different things as to how the unrest is among the world today, as inflation, greed and Con-artist seem to come up from amid this generation that we live in.
When we turn on the TV set, we see and hear many things that could and is a warning for us to become self dependent on, and, in several areas of our existence.
We have had Prophecy's that have been written even before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and some of, if not most of these Prophecy's are for the Last days.
When we speak of the last days, we  want to know the signs of the coming events upon mankind, the world and it's existence.
We are told that when we Humble ourselves, and this is not to those that are evildoer's especially, but is directed to those that have come to Jesus Christ, who have been called to make his name great.
Most think that to make his name great, or the prophecy warning that it given, was given to the Jews that god brought out of Egypt.
But, to be more directed by the leading of the Sprit, we are the called of God to make his name great, in this generation and every generation that has ever existed.
God has given to us in this last time, a stren warning to take heed and to listen to what the spirit has to say to the churches.
When we say " Churches"  we can rest assured that this was the purpose of god to establish for himself and for those that walk after, walk in the Sprit of God, to be identified by the light of the Church body, whic light is Jesus Christ.
Everyone you talk too, will say that they believe in God, and that is good to a certain extent, but just to believe in god does not make, or shape you into someone that will be insturmental in making god's name great.
We use the expression sometimes, " that is great news" as we hear someone tell us something that catches our interest.
Why do we always want to hear the good things, as it is absolutly correct to want to hear and talk about the good things.
But the fact is, when we compare our righteousness to that of god, we find that, as the apostle Paul stated" there is nothing good in us, that is, in our flesh.
So if nothing good is in the flesh, why then do we want to hear the flesh speak good things to us, become aquainted with that good news, or is this what we want to hear, not the real voice of that of god himself speaking to us.
Even if god speaks to us, and reproves us for our actions, we can consider this to be good news.
Most want to discard ever evil though, that is, they, or shoudl I say we, decide what is good or evil.
That is the trouble with this generation that we live in, and it was the trouble with the generation of those that walke in the time of Christ, when he came to his own, and they would not receirve him.
The reason for them not to receive him, was that he was as fare as the east is from the west, to how that they had listen to those that determined what is good or what is bad, those that made themselves as what Satan had said in Chapter 14 of Isaiah, that he would Ascend and be like the most High God.
This is what the flesh, when it is, and it become wise in its own conceits, it takes on the very nature of that of Satan, and becomes as what Jesus said about Judas, " One of you is a Devil" that is strong talk to one that is walking among those that he called out to follow him.
Judas is a prime example of all of us, when we do not walk accordingly as god would have us walk, that is, when we look to each other for our decision and compare ourselves with oursleves.
Those that do this is not wise, that is, they are not wise in God, but wise in the wisdom of the wold.
We must realize that the Wisdom of the World, which most of us go for in our abilitys to achieve what we want to achieve, we find that as long as the mass population approves and large crowds hover around us, that this is the true singn that we are what we want to be.
In other words, we are approved by mankind and not by god in most cases.
What I have said is and brings a nation to its final destruction, when the mass population is shaped by what is acceptable by all mankind or the mass population.
When we find ourselves as we find ourselves today, we stand in jeopardy, that is we start to wonder what is going on, and blame is therefore evident, we start to blame the happeinings on anyone other that ourselves.
This is what we call... " Passing the Buck" but the buck has to stop somewhere, and most of the time, we don't realize how determental it is to a nation until it is too late.
Once a Avalanche begins it must and will run it's course to the bottom of the mountain, and whosoever is in the way, get covered up with tons of snow, and that is the way with unpleasant peril's that come on a nation.
God wants to warn all of us, and has warned us, that if we do not take heed to the warning, even though his mercy is always out front, that Judgement that was placed upon the world at the Crucifixion, this judgement will fall like a Hammer on the Anvil, and when we are on the anvil then we are to be beaten or shaped into the vessel that god wants for us to be.
When the metal that is to be beaten or shaped is one the Anvil, it usually and must be placed into the fire before it can be shaped.
The fire is blown with Oxegan and the temperture is raised to the point that the metal is soft and ready to be shapen.
This is what is coming to our society, in my opinion, we are being thrown into the fire, to be shapen into what god wants us to be.
But only certain types of metal, can stand the heat of the fire, and for sure, as he said, that wood, hay and stubble can not tolerate the flames of the fire.
God uses us as metals that can be fit or use in making his name great.
God sent to the Jews for many years great promises, and they went on the pormises, of the good things, and refused to hear what the other side of the Scroll had written on it.
You see when you read about the Scroll, it had Two Sides, one had the blessings and the other had the Curse, but of course the side of the Scroll that had the curse finally came upon the jews as they rejecter the very message of god.
The jews are for a warning to what is going to happen to the united states and, or, any nation that forgets god, who refuses to listen to the voice of god, but wil listen to the voice of the Messenger of Satan, that comes up and through the flesh.
Make no mistake about it, this voice is there and stays with us daily, and like Paul said, or rather Paul wanted god to remove, but god said to paul and to each of us, that he would and will not move the voice of the messenger of satan out of our flesh.
The simple reason is that with out the Messenger of Satan, then we would do the same as Lucifer did, as he ascended up to be and to replace god in his existence.
Not only did he get demoted, he was cast out of the Paradise along with Adam and Eve.
You See he was there in the Garden of Eden, for a specific Purpose, to give to Adam and Eve a Choice, and Choice is what God is about.
Love is only good as the Choice that is made.
When a bad choice is made, Love takes a back seat, waits and continues to make,or correct the bad choice and turn it into a real geuine pure and righteous choice.
Since we have inherited the bad choice, Love is what God is, has dealt with his outstreched hand, to bring us back into the presence of the Paradise of God.
That is why we have Prophecy, to fortell us and to warn us, that if we do not make the right choice, then we   find that the opposit, that voice that inhabits the flesh, or the world and it's wisdom, which is foolish in the sight of god.
So when we take the wisdom of the world and make it our choice, then we have becom foolish in the side of god.
God then has, or will take us, as a blacksmith, he will heat up the fire and through us into the fire, and if we have any metal in us, we get shaped into what god will want to use us for to his benifit.
It is said, and we all know that, the hotter the fire, the purer the gold, and that is true, you just cannot heat the fire too hot for gold, it can withstand the heat.
If we are the gold in the fire, we are heated up to the maximum heat, and poured out into shapes that would be used to finally produce that which is counted to be very precious, and those that want and need gold, will pay a high price, just like diamonds, they are very costly.
To have this value, it is not just found in every day, or laying around everwhere, so  as the Prospecter digs away at the dirt and rock to get to the gold, we have to dig away the fleshly things, the thoughts and the Carnality to get down to what Paul was sayin, that inside him was Two Menmbers, on was what the flesh has been shaped into, the other was what God had Shaped the Inward man into.
That Inward man is not, and I say, not what we get from the wisdom of the world, or from anyone in this walk, but only comes from Jesus Chrit, and to be more explicit, what we get through the Holy Ghost, for it is the Holy Ghost that is the purifying fire of God.
Jesus said that they woud be baptized with fire, speaking of the Holy Ghost, and today we see that there are those that are ashamed to be around the Holy Ghost filled saints of God, in fact many are ashamed of the Holy Ghost, don't even mention it among the churches, and for sure don't want to make it known to the world.
This is what the Jews, those that were called of god to make his name great, they had listen to the voice of Satan speaking to them from the outward man, and approving themselves among themselves, bringing into the Temple the Herod's of that time,sitting them down where god's seat was.
Most of All they had made an agreement with hell, and of course god had to disannull it, for the sake of all mankind.
Had god let them continue on the same path that our nation is one, there would be as he said... " NO Flesh Saved" for they were bringing destruction  upon themselves and to all mankind.
God would have done away with the whold creation when Jesus said that he would do as Moses did, he came to stand between Gods Judgement mankinds destruction.
Yes, we, none of us woud be here, and Hell had enlarged itself, and is enlarging it's self every day.
We are coming to the " Beginning of Sorrows" of this generation, and unless those that have been called to make the Name of Jesus Great, unless they Humble themselves and repent, then the same thing that happened to the Jews will come, and even greater dammnation will come upon us today.
God is speaking to the Church, and the church has in my opinion exalted itself above measure, and have done worse than those Jews did when Jesus came to stop their foolisness.
We are about to elect a leader to our nation, and I have prophesied that we are and have chosen the Bramble Bush to come and rule over us, " Look or read other documents written in this website" you will find it in the bible and also written in this website.
I stood in a church about, around 7 or 8 years ago and taught that we have chose the bramble bush as our leader, and truly this it the reason that the turmoil is rising up among the minds of individuals.
Many have lost, including myself, all the confidence in the flesh, and to those that stand in the pulpits to proclaim, what seems to be the geuine blessings of god.
They are not what they seem to be in the eyes of most of this time, and for sure that when they become so highly exalted, in themselves, they will, like many have already, take a plunge downward and cause extreme hardship to come upon many.
Now this I say, is not popular among many of you, but no Prophet that prophesied the truth, was popular among those that tutored the children of Israel, as the continued rebelled in the sight of god.
We are warned that we can be sure that our Sins will find us out, and that has, and is what is bringing out into the light, all the Hidden things of the heart, that has been in the heart for many years as god was blessing this nation, as he did the Jews.
The judgemen is at the Door, just as Jesus stands at the door to accept us into the Spirit, but many want it their way, and their ways is not god's ways.
Therefore when we see the perils that is coming, the warnings coming from the News Media, or read in the Maginazines we need to take heed, but most of all we need to read the real gunuine word of God, not the watered down man's opinion.
Don't just take my word for it, go to God in the Holy Ghost and listen to that voice that Spoke on Mt Sinai, and also spoke there in the River of Jordan when Jesus was being baptized, and take heed to yourselves that you will be foun like he would have you and I to be found.
Someone said the other day, " I believe Jesus Is Coming and it is about over"
There is many prophecys and hidden revelations in the word of god, and Revelation is not just the book of Revelations, but Revelations is inbedded throughout the world of god.
Like Gold, you have to dig away all the impurety's to find the most precious gold.
Just because someone tells you what you want to hear, this is not god at all, for god tells it like it is, and sometime he speaks and our soul will burn within us.
Have you heard the voice of the Holy Ghost today, for god speaks to me through the Holy Ghost everyday and has since he baptized me, not only with water, but with the water of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost is not to be feared, that is if you want to know god the father, but it is to be feard when you reject, like the Jews did, and Still do reject the voice of God.
Why are you and many today are hung up on the Carnal Jew, when you and I are Jews inward and that is the Jew that God is Speaking through the Holy Ghost too.
The reason is that you think that if you will be careful and not do anything to those that call themselves, but themselves and many that stand in the pulpits today, those that profit and dirve fine automobles, live in their manisions, they are just as guilty as those Devils that stood there calling themsleves the chosen of god, the Jew that cried " Away With Him" and today are still saying the same thing.
They don't want him to be lord, and for certain, like many of you today, they will not listen to the Holy Ghost, finding themselves sitting on the long time awaited Judgement that is here today, and coming everyday.
I am a Jew, and a Jew is a Jew Inward, not on the Outward.
You that say that your a Jew, that wear the little beannie on you head, you are no better than the woman at the well, who went into the Sprit of the Holy Ghost, and no wonder that you have suffered so much, because that is what your fathers said, " Let his blood be upon us and our children"
How are any of us going to be with god in Heaven, when we can't and don't like each other here on this earth.
Wars everywhere, and what will end the wars, will be the time that the Carnal Jew and the Muslems and the so-Calle Christians that want to hold dominion over each other.
Always wanting to set in the highest seat.
Look in the churches at those that want to be the top dog, and have driven out many hungry sould searching for god, and you think that god or the church can't do without you, but listen to this man, when you find yourself in the Hospital like I did, (Read My Testimonal" you won't want to profit off of the word of god, or sit in the seat of the highest and be like god, you will gird the towel around your waist like Jesus Did, you will be willing and will was the feet of those that are comeing to you for strength.
Your are just like the Jews that stood and cried " Away with him" and are just as guilty as they were, for you are the seed of evildoers.
The word of god said that the seed of evildoers will never be renown.
Look it up, that is if you have the time, or don't expect someone to tickle your fancy.
I get angry, but I hope that I have not sinned in doing so, but in case I will ask god to forgive me if it offends you, that is if I am in the flesh, not in the Spriti.
I have repented for the sins of our people, and asked god to hear from heaven and heal our land.
Above whe Jonah went into Niveneh, he began after being persuaded that he must tell the truth, he thundered the message to these and they listen to, no Jonah, but they listened to the Holy Ghsot as it spoke through Jonah, and if this is the Holy Gost that has given me, that is, this man like Jonah, I too took off and would not speak anymore in his name, just as Jermiah did, when those that are your familiars don't and will not want you to be close to them, that is if you don't have anything except the word of god to give them, for they want your money, and will go to great lengths to convert someone to their ways, and then wil make them two-fold more a child of hell.
You that is allways talking and taking hold the skirt of the Carnal Jew, remember it was those Devils, the children of the Devils, that rose up and sit in the Seat of God, in the Heart, and Nailed the Nails in the Master's Hand.
MY God have mercy upon us before it is too late...